One of my favorite tricks is the nose manuals.

This is a great trick that offers endless combinations. This trick isn’t the easiest, but it is easy to master once you have learned how to do manual. These tricks require you to be able to balance well and control your skateboard. This trick requires you to be able ollie and manually comfortably.

A nose manual faces the following challenges:

  1. Balance
  2. Steering
  3. Speed

Set up this trick

Begin skating and then move into position. Front foot on the curve of your nose, rear foot on the bolt at the rear. Your knees should be bent slightly. Keep your torso straight and lift your tail by transferring your weight onto your front foot.

Lift your arms up to the sides. Adjust the position of your hips and torso as needed. Push down with your back foot to maintain your balance and to stabilize your board.

Finalize by landing the board on the ground and transferring your weight onto it.

It takes a lot of practice to become a good nose manual, so don’t stop practicing!

Balance a Nose Manual

It’s best to practice rolling nose manuals on flat ground before you attempt it. Stand on your skateboard, and balance on your front wheels.

After you are able to balance a nose manual while standing still for a few seconds, then you can learn how to roll. Begin slowly and then move forward to lift the back wheels off of the ground. It’s that simple!

Balance Improvement

Here are some tips to help you balance your bank account.

  1. Begin by standing still, holding on to something and balancing on the nose. This can be done on grass or carpet. This will allow you to feel the pressure that your feet are under.
  2. To hold your board in place, stick the front wheels of the board into a crack in concrete. This trick can be repeated without grabbing anything.

Take control of your skateboard

The back trucks are used for most of the normal skateboarding. The front trucks are more responsive than the back trucks, and require more practice.

Even though you are able to do nose manuals on flat ground, it can be difficult to ollie into nose manuals correctly. It is all about being able and willing to do the work. Before you start, you should be able to easily ollie the manual pad or box.

This trick can be landed by using momentum

You can use momentum to move the back wheels towards the end of the nose manual. When you are attempting to remove the skate obstacle, it is a good idea to bonk your nose.

This trick tip video will show you how to do it.

This trick has some tips

These steps will give you a quick overview of how to do this trick.

  • Get rolling
  • Pop into a nose manual
  • Place your hands on your front wheels.
  • Balance as you hold steady
  • Bonk your nose and nollie off
  • Style is yours

Step-By–Step Guide to Nose Surgery

In an ollie position, roll towards your manual pad.

You can lift your weight and land into a nose manual. You should keep your back wheels up and hold steady the whole way.

You can now remove the front wheels by kicking them off like a nollie. You can use that bonk to remove your front wheels and clean them.

Roll away and land!

You must perform this trick with enough speed to get the back wheels clear when you pop off. It is a waste of momentum if your tail clips or back wheels are not strong enough to keep you on track.

Nose Manual Tips


This trick has a similar stance to the Ollie, but your lead foot is closer to the front bolts.

Your front foot should point slightly towards the nose when you land on the manual pad. Your back foot should rest over the bolts. Your front leg will bear most of your weight and pressure, while your back leg will hold the skateboard steady.


This trick can be both frustrating and intimating. You won’t likely want to lean forward too much so that your back wheels touch.

Continue to try until you reach the tipping point. Do not be afraid to fall forward. It’s not failure, it’s learning. It’s the way you learn. You will get better if you keep trying.


This trick is well worth the effort. It’s so much fun to use nose manuals. This trick requires skill, balance, control, and skill to master. You will master this trick with enough practice.

The How to Nose Manual Summary

  • Place your center over the bolts in front
  • Balance can be maintained by using your arms
  • The front wheels should be removed from the box’s end.
  • You can use momentum to free the back wheels

Have fun and let your creative juices flow

Anyone can learn to use a nose manual.

Apart from your style, what will make you stand out among the rest? Combinations and variations of your nose manuals. These tricks can be added to your nose manuals.

  • Nollie FS/BS 180 out
  • Nollie Shuvit (either direction)
  • Switch to manual mode

Are you having fun? This is a question to ask yourself when you’re practicing new tricks. When you have fun, your creativity explodes, and anything is possible.

These are some tips to keep in mind while you’re skating.

  • Have fun and be playful
  • You can use momentum to land some tricks

It’s easy to learn new tricks when having fun.

It’s all about having fun on your skateboard and riding it. This is when you will be able to skate the best and learn the most.

Paul Rodriguez Jr.

Nose Manual Combos Are Endess!

This trick can be used to create many combinations. You can do tricks in, out, or in between.

Your balance will improve with practice. You will be able to hold manuals longer, which allows for you to use any manual pad, skate box, or ledge ever made.

This trick will increase your chances of success.

  • Don’t be afraid to move forward
  • Keep your cool and keep going!
  • Your board should be thrown off the end

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